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The person who killed the stray dogs with a rifle was found | The person who killed the stray dogs with a rifle has been discovered

By date 10.01.2023 at time 17:15 in the Foreign Office for criminalistic work in Struga, an official interview was held with M.Z.(62) from the village of Livadi i Struga . It is suspected that in the period from the hour 06:45 until 07:15 on the street "Vlado Maleski" in Struga, killed seven stray dogs with a hunting gun.

A caliber hunting rifle was taken from him 16 mm After complete documentation of the case, the appropriate lawsuit will be filed. SPB Ohrid

On 10.01.2023 in 17.15 o'clock in the Foreign Office for Criminal Affairs in Struga, an official interview was held with M.Z.(62) from the village of Livada, Struga. He suspects that in the period from 06.45 to 07.15 on "Vlado Maleski" street in Struga killed seven stray dogs with a firearm.

A shotgun caliber hunting rifle was taken from him 16 mm. After fully documenting the case, Appropriate charges will be filed.