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Announces Director “Ibrahim topic”, but the winner is known?!

Municipal Middle School “Dr Gymnasium. Ibrahim topic”, a few days ago has opened competition for the proclamation of the school director. For the moment the role of director of exercising faith Jonuzi, which is in charge of this institution came weeks after a first “rrokade” where former director Shaban Useini was dismissed from “Ibrahim topic” and he was appointed deputy in “Niko Nestor”, and beliefs of Jonuzi “Niko Nestor” It came on top of “We Ibrahim”.
VOX Struga from sources within the Struga teaches that faith is already set to be given back Beliefs Jonuzi although still lasts kokursi and has not expired for submission of applications.
Coming to the Jonuzi Ibrahim Temo sparked debate in public, but even within training institution, after allegedly by her nomination for Acting were not respecting the necessary legal procedures.
This VOX Struga to explain the cognitive field, who say to someone named “acting”, It should be employed for a time in the same institution, Beliefs and Jonuzi has been employed at another institution.
Also arises another dilemma. A trustworthy Jonuzi this position, considering that a few months ago she was convicted for standing law, excluding off Inappropriate an employee?!
As a consequence of its breach, she was sentenced to a fine, but apart from that sentenced the institution she ran.
A good example is the director, person for personal political resentment broke the law and caused great loss budget of an educational institution, at a time when every denars from the budget of the school is valid and necessary for the survival of these institutions!?

Beliefs Jonuzi is the wife of Mourning Jonuzi, former candidate of the Democratic Party MP, which due to poor support in opinion, It received very few votes and failed to win the deputy mandate. In the last local elections he and other members of the DPA were ranked after Ramiz Merkos and this latter rewarded with the position of Director, wife Jonuzi.
/VOX Struga /