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As workers are respected and behave as business owners in Struga!?

“We work on the market 12 hours because there is a lot of work. Wages have 12 thousand denars, while insurance is not paid us. The money we make from the tip, The owner takes all” – said the angry employee of a Struga marketi.

This is the exposure and the situation in which each passing day Struga. Whether it may, 12 thousand denars to cover monthly expenses in the family, this account could anyone do. But this deplorable situation is one of the factors the departure of young people abroad and have cleared hundreds of homes in Struga and in any other country.

Denounce VOX Struga in all cases where such notice violations of the dignity and rights of employees or even cases when they themselves are the victim of such behavior of business owners where you work.

/VOX Struga /