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Roundabout to Bridge Morovishtit adrift!

It has been more than 6 months since work on the roundabout to bridge Morovishtit are discontinued. In fact the work was interrupted shortly after starting.
VOX asked Struga in Struga which is the reason for termination. After a long wait and finally after several attempts municipalities answered.
“As regards the information requested by you, construction company, which began work in the ring Morovishtit, He interrupted the fact that B has possessed license for construction work and the Ministry of Transport and Communications reaction, work in that area will start again after ensuring a license for construction work. therefore, the procedure is the selection of a construction company with a license and thereafter work continues in the area”- They highlighted by the Municipality of Struga.
They also explained that in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Communications, This work would be resolved within two weeks and will immediately continue work.
But from that day have spent more than 4 weeks and still not see any change on the ground.
VOX Struga learned that the company, which has won the tender for this work is SHA ” Ilinden”, company with tradition and very serious.
In the same time, the company is also working on building the highway Kicevo – Ohrid, which it is very big project.
So we are making a logical question.
How could the company that builds highways do not have the right to work on a main road?
That we will learn in the coming days.
Our sources point out that the reasoning of the municipality about licenses A and B was just enough to buy time, because now perched temperatures and may have other excuses that due to low temperatures may not work and that work will continue in Spring.
Also VOX Struga some income alerts to our address, He informed about the suspicions that work has stopped a businessman who has property nearby.
At the moment where we must build circle is ugly condition and is still more difficult for traffic and safety of citizens. / VOX Struga /