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violated the law, Beliefs punished director Jonuzi!

Director of Middle School “Dr Gymnasium. Ibrahim topic”, Jonuzi beliefs is doomed these days for illegal actions in the performance of duty.
The sentence was imposed for the time when he was director of Middle School “Niko Nestor”. During that time, Jonuzi director, political order has turned from a working employees and has been replaced by another without observing any procedure. All this action is considered as political revenge, therefore, the injured party has sued it and looking right through judicial bodies, information VOX Struga.
court, in all instances he has given the right of the injured party and is regarded as unfair and unlawful decision of the Director. So by court decision, The injured party back in the workplace, while the department has other consequences.
VOX Struga teaches that all this irresponsible action, me 50 thousand denars was sentenced institution Middle School “Niko Nestor”, while 450 Euro is doomed director Beliefs Jonuzi.
otherwise, Beliefs Jonuzi is the wife of Mourning Jonuzi, one of the associates of Menduh Thaci and former candidate of the Democratic Party MP, which he managed to get a small number of votes and failed to win the deputy mandate. In the last local elections, Jonuzi was deployed wings Ramiz Merkos and his work was rewarded immediately, earning the school principal's office.
After several months in the “Niko Nestor”-it, Jonuzi was appointed director “Ibrahim topic” which he replaced Shaban Useini. It teaches VOX Struga, Useini has not been “manageable”, especially in tasks by local leaders to dismissals and retaliation against employees, therefore it became “rrokadë” positions are substituted with Jonuzi.
Will continue political revenge of the new director of “We Ibrahim” to employees, We will have to wait!?

/VOX Struga /