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Kadri patriot Labënishti (1926-2006)

Kadri Labënishti ( 31 May 1926 – 2 November 2006), dedicated patriot liberation and unification of the nation


it, because the camp stood directly behind him Tito and his gang. While one bashkëvujtësit Uncle Kadri, The subsequent doctorin the economy Mileta Perovic, He said the Yugoslav socialist self-government as a pilot project is the first test in this prison where inmates break out regime you deliver them into wards of the prison administration. And those to show loyalty to the regime oppressed the other prisoners to death. As this kind of hell Kadri, already seasoned steel making, shall not swayed political and ideological convictions.

While international circumstances changed. Filtering Tito Khrushchev in 1956 It brought consequently amnesty for many prisoners among them and Kadri Labënishtin. Two years later he raised a family Kadri, married Lutfijen, while in Struga appointed administration clerk. In year 1965 retired.

With stonemasons Kadri taken a shkurër period after release from prison, later only for personal use stone works and once later in Dalmatia, before being jailed for the third time.

Kadri Labënishti actively convey the events of the year 1968 and especially those of 1981 in Kosovo. Because of his convictions, attitudes that keep supporting the request for the Albanian Republic of Yugoslavia and contacts with other patriots in 1984 He was jailed along with Trendelinën daughter and was sentenced to 3 years in prison which held in Pristina and Gnjilane.

Bred by Kadri Labënishti the patriotic struggle for the liberation of the country since 1984 LPRK involved in the dedication of the whole family, big small: Kadri as heads, Trandelina, The Behluli who made special contribution to the Republic of Kosovo and courage and patriot were involved and the higher structures of Kosovo Ppullore Movement. How rrjeshim of patriotic activity Kadri Labënishti with all family members were persecuted continuously by the occupation regime.

Kadri was Labënishti knowledge lover of flames. Over the years' 80's called the ideo-political diferencimim, with the League of Yugoslavia Komunusitëve give directions as to who should be persecuted, in Struga targeted regime many teachers from secondary schools "Braka Miladinovci". Little by little administrative police force out of high school even though Struga Albanian language Ohrid surroundings disclose rrth 500 gjysëmaturantë.

In year 1990 He had persistent demand for the opening of classes in the school in Albanian but without success. In June 1991 He protested to the Assembly in Macedonia in Skopje. again vain. In the year fillimshtatorin 1991 It was magnificent demonstration in Struga. With national flags in hand initiated before high school, then it was passed through the city before the end of the square outside the Town Hall where speeches were held case.

Once he knew he had the crucial importance for the destiny of the nation education of the young generation Kadri Labënishti I state in the forefront of activities for the Albanian school. In organizing the protests council Kadri Labënishti was alongside Kemal Lena, LEBIT Murtishit, Verde Kolonjjes, baftjar Elmazi, Agni Dautit, Milaim Latifi, Tahir Hani, Halid Naxhakut, Joy Han Kaleci Vibar etc.. Although the protests were interrupted by police intervention in day 5 Ste they had great importance. A month later in October 1991 It opened independent schools "Hajdar Dushi" in Ladorishtë which contributed to save Kadri and daredevil son. This kind of organization was a model for organizing the education of English floats independent Albanian territories in Macedonia.

Chauvinist regime Slav opening of a school of English suffered as a declaration of independence Albanians in this area. more 26 May 1992 Slav Macedonian police three police vehicles attempted to arrest Kadri Labënishtin with children. But it happened that we do not mind waiting police. Labënishti family came to the aid of thousands of fellow. Police found the way blocked and barely found to be drawn from it. the conquering regime forces were grouped again and became a free month returned to Ladorishtë. At dawn the 15 June 1992 large police force, reserve and specialized units surrounded the village and the house special targeted earlier. Among them was surrounded the house of Kadri Labënishtit. They began with cries-rant and blow the house door. Labënishti family refused to open the door you. From the roof of the family house gave the alarm about violence exercised. Now police forces firing weapons in the direction to the buildings housing the family Kadri. From armored vehicles opened fire with large caliber. He jumped home tear gas. Consequently it began burning huts house edge. Kindle books that were ndosheshin in another corner of the house. While others cope with tear gas, daughter Behluli, Rudina, baby 7 weeks, was breathless and unconscious. If there was something she was dying. In this situation the family open the door and go out to save baby. Slavic forces imprisoned all: Kadri, Lutfijen, temerity, Behluli, Including victory, for some time, the bride with all babies. I sent in Ohrid and Bitola were sentenced, get together, 14 quick. Uncle udënua with Kadri 5 half years. In December 1993 Kadri Labënishtin the issue for three months for medical rehabilitation. When the time came to return to the prison 1994 Kadri Labënishti illegally transferred to Albania, where lies about a year. from 1995 until the year 1999 stays in Switzerland, where he had a son, activity Patriot Labënishti. In Switzerland he had the opportunity to become familiar with the acting out of LPK'së. While I stood there Uncle Kadri took part in preparatory activities for the liberation of the country that took place there: information meetings, meetings with compatriots, demonstrations evazhdueshme, activities for orientation direction of our warfare.

With the liberation of Kosovo by Serbian forces Uncle Kadri, I enjoyed immensely, They came back from Switzerland back home Ladorishtë. But therein lies since February constantly required to carry out the stocks that I had left since 1993. He përsërri out in Albania and from there to Kosovo. For Uncle Kadri work was not completed yet. Expected actions in Eastern Kosovo and Macedonia. Although already advanced in years, He keeps in touch with comrades and gave the young kështilla later peered into the ranks of the National Liberation Army. He had the opportunity to meet with Fazli Veliu, Ali Ahmeti, Kemal Shaqiri, UCPBM other activists qindar.

The picture that speaks for itself: Kadri Labënishti, Struga, Fazli Veliu, Kicevo, Shefket Asani, Kumanovo, October 2000, Lugmir, prishtin

After being sick on 2003 illegally coming home. After a year, in December 2004 Reiterates seriously ill and after two years, more 2 November 2006 dies at 80 year leaving mbarapa example of the extraordinary man who defied all times, all wild occupation regimes, leaving the work of existential monolith to confess before all generations to come.

Kadri Labënishti was visionary thinker. He will be remembered for many human virtues: Dear, dedicated to activities, the willingness and discipline to an eternal homeland soldier. He was in any case with interest Albania, Kosovo, Albanian areas. Homeland torn in many parts of the mind and heart of Kadri was together and working as one day become a reality and.

As a former fighter, former prisoner and activist for decades. Uncle Kadri release of country saw through armed struggle. He was against military adventures, terrorism and anarchism and work on their own head and pakoorrdinuar work. He give great importance to political preparation, ideological, organizational and logistical.

On the ideological plane he was left progressive definition. Kadri is he Labënishti, like few others, after shaping in early youth until his death he remained faithful to the ideals of freedom, national and class liberation Issue. uncompromising opponent of man's exploitation by man. Opponent of racism and chauvinism, opponent of discord and hatred of peoples, opponent of the false beliefs and religious strife. For these kind of splitting it to hold accountable unpopular regimes and exploiting classes which do everything antinjerzore to their interests rule.

He is believed to death the idea that man is by nature good, He believed the just cause of national liberation, He believed in a new world where people will one day live in freedom, equality and justice. For the Fatherland had the passion and dedication and was the place from which you can have the whole world, all mankind regardless.

Having in mind the white spirit and lofty ideals of the uncle Kadri come to us to ask: Might, if there were more people like Kadri Labënishti, the world would be different, and humanity will live happy.

He's example and his work has honored family, friends and family so the nation, the friends who knew him and worked with, proud but grateful for the legacy and the path is paved which will follow the will and commitment.

Name Kadri Labënishtit would do honor is to keep a school or institution, a street or boulevard not only here in Struga are anywhere in the Albanian lands where he left outstanding traces. Eternal Glory Kadri Labënishtit.

( Author of the article, Xhemajli)