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Struga forgotten Eagle!

Struga forgotten Eagle

Struga to honor the fallen in Petrinja War in the face of Serb armies in 1913 in the town of Struga by then-prefecture in the city center was placed the monument shqiponjës.Vendosja of this symbol of the Albanians became a big event never before seen in September 1943 on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of this unequal battle where for days CETA Struga held trapped Serb armies in Petrinja a locality between Ohrid and Resnjës.Sejdin Lloga former political prisoner THE YEAR 1967 already at the age of eighty with an admirable memory tells us about the placement and removal of the monument of the eagle .Sejdini shows that in 1943 kur u vendos lapidari I shqiponjës në qendër të Strugës ai ishte nxënës në shkollën fillore të qytetit të Strugës dhe bashkë me shokët e klasës së tij kënduan himnin e flamurit në këtë ceromoni.Në fillim u ndërtua bazamenti I lapidarit ndërsa shqiponja ishte konstruktuar në Tiranë dhe në Strugë e sollën ditën e përurimit thotë ai.Inagurimi i shqiponjës ishte një nga ngjarjet që bëri shumë bujë atëher në Strugë potencon Lloga për gazetën “Koha”Në këtë manifestim morën pjesë një numër I madh I qytetarëve të Strugës si dhe të ftuar nga Pogradeci dhe Tirana që në atë kohë ishte kryeqendër administrative edhe për qytrtin e tonë.Vendosja e simbolit të shqiponjës u pritë mirë nga qytetarët e Strugës të cilët gjatë atyre viteve filluan të kenë një llulzim në drejtim të zgjimit të ndjenjës kombëtare pas disa dekadave të një politike shtypëse dhe asimiluese të regjimit serb të asaj kohe.Ne ishim gjenerata e parë që filluam të mësojmë në gjuhën shqipe dhe gradualisht Struga po I rikthehej identitetit të saj të nëpërkëmbur nga pushtuesit. "Emphasizes ai.Për Llogën construction of the monument of the eagle at that time had a special importance because it began to identify most of Struga and in those years the monument stood in the center of the city was returned to the place of pilgrimage for the citizens of Struga and other countries visited Struga in those years.

Removing the Eagle
An indescribable emotion he shows Sejdin Lloga and many Struga Albanian citizen suffered during 1946 when overnight eagle was removed from the base and jumped into the river Black Drin. This event means Lloga made a big impression on those days when propaganohej with great brotherhood union .Also had many discussions about the fact that during those years, Albania and Yugoslavia had good political and economic relations. "Undoubtedly one of the most difficult moments in that time has been removing the eagle from the foundation and its dumping in the Drini River zi.Unë as many students at that time that we participate in its establishment, removing the eagle experienced in a very emocionale.Ne being that day to go to school and pass the city center as we saw that the place of the eagle monument was not reacted to our teachers who promised us that he would be interested in rastë.Duke this was that even after this reaction tuna nothing changed .We like our students with the innocence discuss the need to step into the Black Drin to pick up the eagle and set back where he informed us that vendin.Por were the bodies of internal affairs that had been removed and taken .After eagle this time we knew that removing the eagle from the monument is made of cfardoshëm people but by the state and its internal organs "emphasizes Lloga.

Struga mystery continues to Eagle
Even in the present days in Struga there are a number of options that where he finished eagle, but Sejdin Lloga thinks is true that this symbol was thrown into the Black Drin by the communist rulers of kohës.Por according to him it is also true that the fact eagle from the river has issued Isan Ago a resident of the town of Struga known at that time about his contribution to the opening of Albanian schools in Struga and one of the inspirers of many activities with patriotic background that organized during the fortieth Strugë.Sipas Llogës the first time that the security organs then take the information that has reached Isan ago to go out from the river eagle in his own house shall take it, and since then nothing is known about this case .

Eagle Monument in Sejdin llogës life
has had a major impact because since then he has started to have a special feeling for the symbol of his own nation and the cause of his kombëtare.Lloga it shows that by that time in life tetëdhjetëenjë year-old Sejdin Llogës Monument eagle in Struga has inherited the aptitude for drawing eagle and national flag and this has served two years in prison for the Semi-solid hath conceived by vizueale Albanian flags that 28 November 1967 They arose in some villages .He Struga along with some of his friends like Elias Chief ,Sela Olloman,Dzevad Lena ,Zudi Bakiu and some more 28 November 1967 organize action to raise the Albanian flag in Struga some settlements ,action which envisioned by the security organs at the time and most of the group on the budget end of Jugosllavisës.Sejdin Lloga already thinks Monument eagle symbol of the most insidious way to remove it is time to once again return to the square Struga and in this regard he expects local authorities to react.