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Finally respond municipalities, It does not provide information on roundabout!

Municipality of Struga finally responded to the request VOX Struga to provide information about the cessation of works to bridge Morovishtit. The municipality's response is negative. You do not want to answer media questions, if they are not submitted in writing through the window. Practice that is encountered for the first time in all the country's institutions. Rather than move forward and increase transparency, This local administration for each day is closing more and not give information of concern to citizens. So media, for any information however small to be, in Struga should be directed in writing only.
Below you can read the full response we received from the municipal administration headed by Ramiz Merko.

“In the first row, Thank you to denunciations they get from
citizens of Struga and which is addressed in the name of their municipality
Struga. For any information you want to get out of our municipalities, Please
submit a written request, to counter the municipality, në hyrje të objektit të komunës, The first door to the right, You will be where tellers
willing to give form and you will be able to enter the letter of request
what information you want to get from municipality.
Rest assured that the information requested would get, but after
respected legal rules from your side (by submitting a request to
writing to the window and not through emails, which can not
archived as filed with the protocol number of different requirements
by different persons and legal entities, for different purposes).
For, just submitted a written request at the counter of the municipality is
valid and after that we can proceed” – ends the municipal response guide VOX Struga.

While the municipality receives a written request, citizens and consequently voters Ramiz Merkos, to circulate every day and are risking their lives in the place where they should be built roundabout. Street spoiled, holes and open channels unless they break the citizens vehicles, even endanger their lives.

Where is the safe Struga Ramiz Merkos?

/VOX Struga /