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Changes in local government in Struga / Are there problems between SDSM and DUI partners?

The two new names of directors of municipal enterprises were recently made public in Struga. In NP “municipal” Iqmet Islami was appointed after the resignation of director Ivan Kleckaroski, while after the appointment to the position of Minister for Information Society and Administration of Jeton Shaqiri, in his place in NP “Water Supply and Sewerage”, as announced, Dashmir Nasufi will be appointed. The latter was the chief of staff of the head of the Municipality of Struga, Ramiz Merko.
Information about problems between the local coalition partners SDSM and DUI immediately circulated in the public, as the latter is taking both of these leading positions, one of which has belonged to SDSM since the beginning of the mandate, writes in7.

To learn more, in7 contacted the Chairperson of the SDSM Municipal Committee in Struga, Sonja Stojkoska. The latter did not want to give more details, but stressed that the official position will be announced in the coming days.

“I do not want to comment on various speculations. We will officially announce the latest events in Struga in the coming days. We are serious parties and we make decisions within our bodies, therefore please have a little patience. We will let everyone know”, expressed for in7, Sonja Stojkoska, President of SDSM in Struga.

Asked about possible problems or disagreements between local coalition partners, Stojkoska stressed that there is no such thing, while he did not deny that there might be any new agreement between them, with which SDSM could gain another important position.

Stojkoska appointed Secretary of the Municipality of Struga at the beginning of Merko's term, but as a result of some disagreement, which he has not made public, she resigned within a few months. Coalition between DUI and SDSM in Struga has often encountered disagreements and opposition. SDSM councilors in some cases did not vote on the points proposed by the mayor./in7.tv/