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VOX Struga finds out, Here is what SDSM Struga gets in the local government

The latest changes in the local government in Struga did not pass without reactions. There was even talk of problems between local partners, DUI and SDSM, because the latter was left without a director position at the local level. This is similar after Iqmet Islami was named in place of Ivan Kleckaroski in Komunalno, and Jeton Shaqiri will be replaced by Dashmir Nasufi in Vodovod i Kanalizacija.

To understand more about the relations between SDSM and DUI in Struga, we turned to Sonja Stojkoska, President of the Municipal Committee of SDSM in Struga. In a telephone conversation, she denied that there were any misunderstandings or problems between the partners. Official position on the latest changes, she says for VOX Struga, will be in the coming days.

unofficially, we find out that a new agreement has fallen between DUI and SDSM in Struga. From this agreement, SDSM gets the director position in the City Kindergarten, The director of Eco Struga (city ​​parking lots), Secretary of the Municipality of Struga and three departments in the municipal administration, writes VOX Struga.

It is expected that in the coming days these details will be published for the general public./voxstruga.mk/