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Zylal's powerful message to Struga women

Excerpts from the speech of the candidate for councilor and President of the Women's Assembly at Alliance for Albanians – Struga, Professor Promtime Zylali “habitually, believe it is said that the great upheavals that come from the genuine consciousness of a dignified sovereign like that of Struga, bring great and quite beautiful victories. After no doubt, here I will stop at our dear Struga, which will be the starting point of the big changes that will start on 17 October. As you know, we are already in the last days of the election campaign for this election, a campaign that we as a political entity and as a coalition have done in the most dignified way possible. purely, as is our slogan, with dignity, with maturity, me mature, with a lot of work. We visited full settlements, almost all around Struga, we have talked and talked to citizens and we have definitely unveiled the candidate program, the next mayor of Struga, Idri Istrefi. I would not like to repeat too much about what was said by the speakers, but since no further than yesterday it was “Girls' Day”, my clear and pure message, tonight goes to all the mothers, sisters, Struga women and I wanted to convey this to you. You are real heroines. You are the ones who work, wearied, sacrifice silently. All of you who sometimes are not even given the right to speak or your word is not heard, but also you who are heard and have been heard constantly, worth a lot. Your vote is very valuable. So from this pulpit please, I'm telling you like your daughter, as a mother, like Sister, si planed, that we with our vote circling the number 6 me 17 October, we will be signatories of the Struga renaissance.”