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Safet Demiralijeski: DUI and Ramiz Merko are paving unprofessionally one month before the elections, a 4 years enjoyed spending our money

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends and supporters of this coalition!

It is a special honor and pleasure to stand here in front of you, but also the responsibility and obligation you give us. I am a man of nature, which I have spent my whole life, here sharing all the moments together with all the citizens of Struga and the Struga region, and especially with my Labunishtani. My parents taught me honesty, honesty, and a life without lies. Considering the conditions that the past years of rule of this outgoing structure filled with lies and manipulation in every pore of life is one of the reasons that made me accept this obligation and responsibility given by you.

Many things have happened that are not in the domain of human existence and normal behavior and their bad intentions embodied in corruption come to the surface every day., bribe extravagance, dysfunctional spending of our money and turning the party into a family business. The citizens of this municipality have perceived their entire rule for this period of three terms and I am convinced that with their insight they know how to decide on these elections.. Working only a month before the elections by paving some streets and paths, unprofessionally and all the other time from 4 years enjoyed spending our money ; without a shred of conscience and care think that the citizens will inadvertently give them support using blackmail, intimidation and many other unkind ways to just get louder. On the other hand we stand here in front of you with honesty, honest and pure intentions without promising something that is not achievable but dignified and courageous in defense of your interests and your wishes for a better tomorrow.

Respecting every citizen regardless of their religion, national and social category with all your responsibility and moral integrity that you give us, we promise to fight to eradicate corruption and bribery, unprofessional work , negligence and irresponsibility, which was the main synonym of the people who until now led the municipality. We promise that we will all be a service to you citizens, you will be the ones telling us your needs and priorities, and we will only do what is in your best interest. That's why I call you to 17 in October, circle the number as much as possible 6; a number that leads to a change for the better; Number , which is synonymous with pure, honestly professional in every sphere of life; number behind which we stand led by the future Mayor of the Municipality of Struga Mr. Idri Istrefi.

May you be healthy and alive and rejoice in victories and successes.

Thank you ! Phaleminderitis !