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Apply for Ramiz Merko, Armen Arslani, Dashmir Nasufi, Iqmet Islami – Fictitious employments and asphalting without tender

The Alliance of Albanians filed charges against the candidate and mayor of the Municipality of Struga from DUI, Ramiz Merko and other officials for violating the Electoral Code, bribery and mass employment in the election campaign.

Surya Rashidi , The head of the election headquarters of the Alliance for Albanians in Struga informed at a press conference today that charges have been filed with the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office, The State Election Commission and the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, in addition to the current mayor and candidate for a new term from DUI, Merko also for the directors of the hospital in Struga, of Neurology, of the kindergarten "March 8" and the public enterprises "Water and Sewerage" and "Communal".

The legal team of the Alliance of Albanians noted a massive violation of the Electoral Code, mass construction activities, asphalting of streets in all settlements in Struga, with poor quality asphalt and huge financial embezzlements, without documentation. We face mass employment by local and central institutions without any criteria and document with fictitious or verbal contracts, обивини Рашиди .

Expects the institutions to act after the elections 17 October, offenders to answer.

- An appeal to the citizens not to succumb to buying their will and to punish the violators on 17 October, Rashid stressed .

Source: MIA