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Deliberations without finished with Mehmet Latif

Tahir Hoda-Strugalajm

With Mehmet Latif - Commissioner tireless in dihtafon, Struga road buzëdrinase.

    Your escape without time and without waiting left arm free on weekends to do meditation together with such zeal and love, unselfishly and without feeling fatigue. So today when I have gone so long without cmallur, Feel the weight of guilt before Anita made that he would not be alive to remind the press of spiritual pain and trembling of the pen that would write for your departure, will accept it, It does not agree with the bitter truth. however, I have continued alone sayings that I Thou bluanim in the presence of Shefqet, Skender and Nexhat, that the s'rrojnë, among them I love Mehmet O.

    In plotësonim each - other with the thought that glory is a poison that should be taken in small doses, no hurry. Some major assets, You knew that hiding a crime ( also with) great to not prefer. In your publications I had noticed that the legal despotism fight him because you knew that it weakens the spiritual morale of honest human. I never saw featureless desert. When I say it is the best ever VETIM, You saw how laziness hears: however need someone who will say this ...

As I liked to provoke the enemies thou hast said: Kings have no brothers have sons and daughters, mother ... to have no enemies.

    by bureaucracy, not teas head because I think it is a mechanism set up by the dwarf that costs had fears. What for you was the company set up by the government in order to free avoidable - a permanent security contract between the rich against the poor. When asked why he writes to, you told me: through their readers, We win without known friends, grateful that he tell the truth. Often I meditate while you drink coffee in the morning next: where he finds all this energy and inspiration?! If you read my thoughts of you told me. Success does not exist when you have great talent but will, to write well do you know that prito, Can you ... like most joyful. Your unmatched optimism o love Memet reminds me of the saying: Tree worm erodes man and grief, so do not be upset because the little things that happen in life and there is no greater pain than the soul, beware of them and remember that wisdom is healing the pain of the soul. To not owed, I had to interrupt saying:

  • Well the great souls go silent suffering and tears are the words of the soul ...

As you like it, I think not letting me interrupt you, but my turn: tears are like thunderstorms, after their man is more relaxed. So I do in these moments when I write these lines to You my sincere friend now when I featureless more.

    Although I wanted to end this writing with so much "kuvendova" with you, and behold, I found some articles that had separated years ago when we did a scenario anniversary of "Migjeni" and singled out:

  • When the gods want to punish dikënt - fulfill all desires. And we both suffered Socrates parapëlqenim: The greatest wealth is to live content with little jetove as Ti largest Mehmet Latifi. Most felt relaxed and rested his, You are eternally memorable.

With broken hearts and tears in their eyes - your friend and your sincere friend Tahir Hoda.