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The alliance accuses the Struga merko: Associate your building without permission!

Alliance for Albanians in Struga today accused the head of the Struga , Ramiz Merko of allowing illegal constructions in the city.

According to ASH's, The closest collaborator of Merkos and the person who is running his own business, Armend Kadri, It began to build housing in the city center, without completing the procedure of obtaining permission.

Read the full response of the Pet Alliance Albanians in Struga.

“The house that you see in the photograph is the closest associate Ramiz Merkos.
This luxurious home built by the man who runs the private business and the mind Ramiz Merkos. It is about the Armenian Kadri, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Private University Ramiz Merkos.
But this is not the reason for this reaction.
This house has no building permits. So work began without permission and no, nor inspectors, neither police nor the mayor have not dared to prevent this.
Who are followers of illegal constructions and urban chaos, this know, but you should make citizens explain.

How come the closest man to the Mayor to break the law and build without permission?

What's more than other citizens, this man?

This type of conduct and management of a municipality, will end.
Alliance for Albanians, the case will be submitted to all relevant institutions.
Do not attempt to accelerate since Monday in order to cover your filth, because the facts speak for themselves and can not change.
The house has been built without completing the permit procedure.
Obtaining the permit is in process, this know, but it limits to its executiveness show something else” – ends of Struga reaction Alliance.