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Measure does not take into account Council, one-way remains

Spent eight days after the Council of the Municipality of Struga decide on the main street at the city entrance to the Men's Beach, traffic proceeds in both directions.
But although to date this decision should be published in the Official Gazette and entered into force, the opposite happened.
Just a day at this time set new signs that lev side of the street for parking cars, writes VOX Struga.
Mayor of Struga unlikely to sign the decision of the Council and will continue with its plan for one-way street.
decision 18 councilors who represent the vast majority of citizens does not mean anything Mayor Merko.
In such cases, legal when Mayor signing a Council decision, then councilors have the right to call a session where for the second time would have voted the same decision. Then it becomes final and the mayor will not have to block this decision.
As learned VOX Struga, some citizens living in this time, began an initiative to collect signatures against the plan of measures. / VOX Struga /