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known actor Visar Vishka releases harsh words merko

A few days ago the media reported that the head of Struga participated in the inauguration of the illegal building in the center of Ohrid. Even in photographs published, Merko seen how the cuts the ribbon of this object.
Comments were numerous, considering that just Ohrid and Struga in recent months have been in the spotlight because of illegal construction.
One of the popular actors Albanians in northern Macedonia, Visar Vishka from Gostivar could not not stay without commenting.
He asked whether commentators remember who has brought Merko a mayor, while also considering the severe epithets Struga head, VOX writes Struga.
“Do you remember who brought it back to power this criminal? Thank God he did not walk in Gostivar” – Vishka commented on the news that Merko has cut the ribbon facility without permission in Ohrid.
More controversial facility in Ohrid center at a place called “Plane tree Ohrid” is advisor to DUI in Ohrid, Nefi Useini./VOX Struga /