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Incident in Struga, Mayor Merko threatened

Sherr in Struga, includes Merko

An incident occurred yesterday in Struga, which involved some have been employed in the municipal administration and its people from outside, announces IN7.
According to sources within the Struga, case started during the day when the Struga municipality had an event in downtown. While the first of Struga has promoted a new promenade in Struga, a person from a village Struga, It is argued in this activity with two of the closest people Merkos, IN7 sources say.
After oral argument downtown, The same person also accompanied by another, They entered the municipal building, where they verbally attacked the leader of urbanization in the municipality department. This includes other people, where there were delays lashing. It is said that the quarrel is included Ramiz Merko, who even reported the incident to the police. Merko has reportedly received death threats and that have prompted the incident.
for IN7, incident have been confirmed by police, who they say they are investigating the case.

“Up to this point we have presented a verbal altercation in which are involved more people from the Municipality of Struga. We are investigating the case and when we reach a conclusion, We will take the necessary measures, If she downs of any criminal charge or relevant measure” – says IN7, Stefan Dimovski from the Sector for Internal Affairs in Ohrid.
according to Dimovski, to the police it is not important what the person has in particular been involved, but it is important that there is an incident, for now reportedly, only verbal involving more people, employed by the municipality and its outside. They do not talk about specific names of those involved.

Meanwhile, during the day Ramiz Merko informed the Government that delegates all powers in the field of urbanism. Unofficially learn that yesterday's fights and some other earlier cases have prompted Merko take this decision. /in7.tv/