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Three new infected and one dead from coronavirus in Struga

The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours are done 778 test, and registered 162 new cases of covid-19 in: Скопје-92, Kumanovo-3, Дебар-5, Stip-1, Prilep-2, Тетово-32, Struga-3, Охрид-4, Gostivar-2, Gevgelija-1, Strumica-1, Kriva Palanka-1, Sveti Nikole-1, Ресен-14.

Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 5 recovered patients from: Skopje-2, Прилеп-2 и Тетово-1.
They are dead 9 person, три од Скопје, еден од Прилеп, два од Тетово, one from Struga, еден од Велес и еден од Гостивар.

На Клиниката за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби починаа две лица, пациент од Тетово (62g), хоспитализиран еден ден на клиниката и пациент од Скопје (62g), хоспитализиран пред три дена.

Во ГОБ „8 септември“ починаа пациент од Скопје (69g) applied to 13 June, patient from Skopje (73g) application of 2 јуни и пациентка од Велес (70g) hospitalized on 2 June.

Во болницата во Прилеп почина пациентка на 81 year, hospitalized on 11 June. Во болницата во Тетово почина пациент (59g), во болницата во Охрид почина пациент од Струга (69g) а во болницата во Гостивар на пациентка (58g) која починала на 11 June, позитивниот резултат на ковид е докажан постмортем.

The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 4057, the number of recovering patients is 1710, of the dead is 188, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 2159. Currently, distribution by cities is as follows:
• Skopje 1858, active 1210
• Kumanovo 640, active 221
• Debar 61, active 10
• Stip 238, active 196
• Bat 228, active 20
• Tetovo 413, active 239
• Struga 127, active 49
• Velez 150, active 27
• Bitola 33, active 6
• Ohrid 69, active 51
• Kavadarci 6, active 1
• Gostivar 66, active 41
• Gevgelija 8, active 4
• Strumica 8, active 5
• Kriva Palanka 10, active 4
• Radovish 4, active 0
• Krushevo 3, active 0
• Kocani 54, active 23
• Probistip 11, active 9
• Demir Hisar 1, active 0
• Makedonski Brod 3, active 1
• Pehchevo 5, active 2
• Berovo 2, active 1
• Valandovo 4, active 3
• Vinica 3, active 0
• Delchevo 1, active 0
• Kratovo 3, active 1
• Sveti Nikole 9, active 8
• Kichevo 3, active 1
• Resen 19, active 18
• Negotino 17, active 8 (*9 persons from PE Negotino are residents of Demir Kapija)

Made 778 dough are through: ИЈЗ –370 , ЦЈЗ Скопје-26, Авицена –125, Биотек –72, Систина со PCR метода –74 и МАНУ -111. До овој момент лабораторијата на Жан Митрев (Philip II) не пријави тестирања во Институт за јавно здравје. If they arrive, ќе бидат објавени во следниот извештај.

So far, the country has done a total 43.040 tests for the acid -19. There are no screening tests today.

At the Infectious Diseases Clinic in the past 24 hours apply 4 new, and totally hospitalized 96 patients. They are on oxygen support 35 patients, there are no patients on mechanical ventilation.

Until this morning, in the CGH "September 8" were received 15 new, and totally hospitalized 77 patients. The respiratory machine is 10, and with a more severe clinical picture 20 patients.

They are hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 22 patients, and are being treated at home through a hospital 4 patients. They are hospitalized in the hospital in Stip 20 patients. At the infectious wards in Tetovo, Ohrid, Velez, Kumanovo and Prilep are hospitalized 63 a patient – positive and suspicious of cobweb-19.