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Ademi: The beaches will collapse!

The arrangement around the beaches remains in force until the Ministry of Transport and Communications makes urban planning on all beaches, said the Minister without portfolio in charge of the diaspora and chairman of the National Commission for UNESCO, Edmond Ademi in the TV show Win Win on Telma.

He was adamant that the beaches would be demolished.

- Then all that will be included within the framework and according to the management plan that has been adopted and only then will the municipalities of Ohrid and Struga be able to announce calls to see which beach will be rented out., for what purpose and so on. then, The regulation remains in force until this part is resolved, said Ademi.

He added that there must be a reorganization of inspections as well.

- I am aware that we as a government and the civil sector and the people of Ohrid have the same goal - to preserve Ohrid and not because of UNESCO, but because of us. If we all have to fight for something together when it comes to Ohrid, we have to fight for ourselves, and not because UNESCO demands it. Being under UNESCO protection is good for image, but we have the same goal and ambition. We have a different approach, but our goal is common, noted Ademi.
