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VMRO Struga asks: How many lives, they will cost, elections?!

Dear compatriots,

According to yesterday's news, that in the Municipality of Struga, has an employee who is infected with COVID 19, issued a statement that, from today, the building of the Municipality of Struga is closed and demanded from all employees, to be in isolation until next Monday.

Imagine, from one side, state institutions are closed every day, because there are cases of employees who are positive about the virus, Every day we have a three-digit number of patients and unfortunately a large number of deaths, and on the other hand Zoran Zaev and SDSM, are persistent in intention, to organize quick elections, without international monitoring by the OSCE and ODIHR, without a purified voter list,are hoping to reduce their defeat, without taking into account the health of the citizens and whether we will count the victims of such elections.

So I would like to ask, how many lives, they will cost, elections?!

Gentlemen of the SDSM, you need to be clear, that your time has passed, the citizens saw your incompetence, for leading the Republic of Macedonia and for dealing with the pandemic and therefore whenever the elections are held, you will be severely punished, as the greatest traitors of the Macedonian people!

And who knows which way, I'm telling you, Citizens' health should be a priority for any government,not to be endangered, due to the painful ambitions and goals of Zoran Zaev, who accomplishes what he said earlier that "living people will eat"

For the end, of the employee in the municipality of Struga, as well as all citizens with Covid 19, we wish them a speedy recovery, and we wish the other citizens to stay in good health! 

To respect and follow the measures of the World Health Organization and to protect our own health!

Because the health of the citizens is above all!

Mircea Adzhioski, President of OK VMRO-DPMNE, Struga and a candidate for MP