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Struska Nephrology received the only device for mobile dialysis from the family of a patient who died last year

The Specialized Hospital for Nephrology in Struga received a mobile hemodialysis machine as a donation from the family of Sofia Ognenova, a patient who died last year on 62 years old and was the only one in the country who performed hemodialysis at home.

On the anniversary of Ognenova's death, the medical staff of this health facility, putting the device into use, marked the World Kidney Day under the motto "Kidney health for all - let's prepare for the unexpected", to support the vulnerable".

The director, Dr. Aleksandar Poposki says that the device is significant because it can be used to help even in conditions of an elementary disaster., but also on every occasion when the vulnerable categories need it.

"We have been making preparations for a year and on the anniversary of her death we received this device, which means a lot to us, especially since the motto of this year's celebration of World Kidney Day is preparation for natural disasters., disasters like earthquakes, military, floods and assistance to vulnerable categories. This particular device can be turned on anywhere, in every place. It is possible to join two or three patients per day, and that's not a little", says Dr. Poposki.

Doctor Vangjelka Kovaceska-Shavreska said that the device carries with it a life story that is unique and unrepeatable.

"This is no ordinary hemodialysis machine, this is the device of the patient Sofia Ognenova, the only patient in the country who did hemodialysis at home. This device carries with it a unique and unforgettable story, it is the life path of Sofia, a fiery woman who radiated courage, combativeness and which should be a motive for every hemodialysis patient", says Dr. Kovačeska- Shavreska.

Sofia Ognenova aims 40 she was on hemodialysis for years, first in hospital a 2003 year in domestic conditions. She considered the day she started hemodialysis on her own to be her second birthday 22 years. The staff of Struska Nephrology remembers her as a brave woman with great optimism, fighting spirit and perseverance. Her mother and the now-retired head nurse of Nephrology, Gzime Demiri, were her biggest support.

"Sofia was with us for a short time and I managed to teach her to prick herself, to be qualified for dialysis but she had so much courage and boldness she had knowledge and never showed weakness in front of anyone. At first we were like sister and patient, but over time, after her mother fell ill, that barrier breaks down and we become inseparable. Every year he set a goal for himself, that's how I wrote a book, graduated college, and after that we had the goal of walking around the country. "Dialysis meant life to her.", said Demiri.

Sofia's family says her kidney disease story began and ended with a donation. They said that she always helped people, that's why with this move they say that her humanity will live on.

"Sofia was everything to us. She taught us a lot about life, she was very cheerful and in many situations she was our support. He started hemodialysis in private settings, at home thanks to humane people who donated such a device, and after her death we also decided to donate this new device to this center as a reminder of her but also to help many patients in need", says her relative, Bojan Grupchev.

At the very beginning of her illness, Sofia started keeping a diary 2010 published her book "Dialysis-one zero for me" as a guide for patients but also a message to never give up.