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Without Ramiz the captain, “FirE” will remain localized and at risk of being turned off

By Bekim Qoku

DUI faction with parodic name “Fire group” there is a big deficiency and this deficiency is called Ramiz Merko. Without Ramiz the captain, “FirE” will remain localized and at risk of being turned off.

Meanwhile, the principle of Ali Ahmet and Artan Grub that DUI should be cleansed of old and corrupt figures is lame precisely in the fact that they are holding in their bosom one of the most corrupt and immoral figures, Ramiz Merko plans.

It is surprising how this very important fact is hidden in DUI and the crack that is happening to it.

Another plane where Ramizi would have to make big trouble, but that's not what you're doing, is the coalition of Artan Grub's DUI with ASH. How ASH will camouflage and master the strained to hostile relationship with Ramiz, it will apparently be left to a sophisticated PR and a rotten civil society.