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First marriage ceremony in the new building of Struga Municipality | The first celebration in the new building of the Municipality of Struga

First marriage ceremony in the new building of Struga Municipality

With special honor and in a very pleasant atmosphere created by newlyweds Valentino Belevski and Zorica Jovanoska Belevska from Struga, the first marriage took place in the new building of Struga Municipality, following all legal procedures.

Struga municipality wishes them good health, happiness and love, little babies and live happily ever after!

From U.S, luck!
God's blessing!

The first celebration in the new building of the Municipality of Struga

With special honors and in a very pleasant atmosphere created by the newly married couple Valentino Belevski and Zorica Jovanoska Belevska from Struga, the first marriage took place in the new building of the Municipality of Struga, following all legal procedures.

The Municipality of Struga wishes them health, happiness and love, baby and live happily ever after!

That's right, good luck!
The Zotes, BLESSING!