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Fire in the House of Culture, police talk about the details – Fire in the House of Culture, Police give details

more 23 January 2021 at time 01:40, in the Internal Affairs Unit of Struga it was reported about the spread of a fire in the National Institution - Cultural Center ,,The Milladinovci brothers,, Struga. After carrying out the investigation at the scene, it was found that the fire, in which no one was injured, appeared at the auxiliary door and it was extinguished with a quick intervention of the Territorial Fire Unit from Struga. Sector of Internal Affairs, Ohrid. SPB Ohrid spokeswoman Merlina Islami

On 23.01.2021 year 01,40 pm, A fire was reported in the Struga Regional Office of the National Institution-Cultural Center "Miladinovci Brothers" in Struga.. After an inspection, it was established that the fire, in which there are no injured persons, appeared at the auxiliary entrance door and it was extinguished by the quick intervention of the Territorial Fire Fighting Unit from Struga.