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1466 test – These are the latest coronavirus results in the country

The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours are done 1466 test, and registered 183 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje-85, Kumanovo-6, Tetovo-10, Prilep-7, Gostivar-6, Stip-3, Bitola-1, Veles-4, Охрид-10, Струмица-3, Кавадарци-13, Struga-5,  Kochani-2, Kicevo-1, Sveti Nikole-1, Гевгелија-6, Неготино-4, Debar-1, Resen-6, Радовиш-2,  Делчево-1, Probistip-2, Богданци-2, Kratovo-1, Дојран-1.
Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 1731 recovered patients from: Скопје-983, Куманово-57, Тетово-98, Prilep-5, Гостивар-87, Штип-23, Битола-60, Велес-62, Охрид-25, Струмица-60, Кавадарци-36, Struga-21, Кочани-24, Кичево-28, Свети Николе-9, Гевгелија-18, Неготино-29, Дебар-6, Ресен-16, Крива Паланка-10, Радовиш-4, Берово-4, Делчево-10, Probistip-2, Виница-13, Валандово-7, Демир Хисар-5, Богданци-5, Македонска Каменица-12, Демир Капија-9, Пехчево-1 и Дојран-2.
They are dead 6 person, еден пациент од Скопје (90g), еден од Куманово (51g), еден од Прилеп (77g), еден од Гостивар (71g) и два пациенти од Охрид (72 и 45г). Пациентите се починати во болнички услови.
The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 90654, the number of recovering patients is 78154, на починати it is 2785, and the number of active cases is 9715. According to the completed epidemiological analyzes so far, the distribution by cities is as follows: • Skopje 39426, active 5461• Kumanovo 5109, active 392 • Tetovo 5031, active 382• Bat 4522, active 250 • Gostivar 3576, active 228• Stip 3474, active 149 • Bitola 3187, active 165• Velez 3010, active 257 • Ohrid 2721, active 349• Strumica 2506, active 302 • Kavadarci 2466, active 336• Struga 2174, active 141 • Kocani 1714, active 96• Kichevo 1694, active 130 • Sveti Nikole 1066, active 38 • Gevgelija 970, active 101 • Negotino 953, active 121 • Debar 741, active 116 • Resen 727, active 109 • Kriva Palanka 712, active 56 • Radovish 685, active 46 • Berovo 575, active 47 • Delchevo 558, active 163 • Probistip 499, active 42 • Vinica 482, active 32 • Valandovo 325, active 15 • Demir Hisar 242, active 9 • Makedonski Brod 240, active 12 • Богданци 222, active 32 • Kratovo 214, active 17 • Krushevo 200, active 38 • Македонска Каменица 190, active 36 • Демир Капија 182, active 29 • Pehchevo 179, active 12 • Дојран 82, active 6
Made 1466 test
се преку: ИЈЗ-394, ЦЈЗ Скопје-50,  Авицена-175, Биотек-199, MANU -93,  Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-72, Sistina with PCR method -173, лабораторија Лаор –194, Forensic Medicine-0, ЦЈЗ Битола-56, Инфективна клиника-2, HOOK-0, Синлаб-17, Ремедика-0, Kozle Hospital Laboratory-0, PHI (rapid test) -41, УК Пулмологија со алергологија –0, laboratories from abroad-0. So far, the country has done a total 442.600 testing on Kovid -19.