NEWS / newsThe town / city

The beaches – Merco supports the concessionaires / beaches – Merko supports the concessionaires

The Municipality of Struga supports the beach concessionaires of the city of Struga

today, in the spaces of the Municipality of Struga, The Chief of Cabinet of the Mayor of Struga, Mr. Dashmir Nasufi, held a meeting with the owners of the hotel facilities., where it was discussed about the latest decision brought by the Government for the removal of urban facilities and equipment and the bringing of beaches to their original condition.. The Municipality of Struga supports the concessionaires and joins them against this accelerated and contradictory decision which will damage the tourism sector and the local economy as a whole..

The municipality will use every legal means at its disposal as a local government to protect tourism and the interest of the citizens of the Municipality of Struga..

Office of Public Relations,
Municipality of Struga
The Municipality of Struga supports the concessionaires on the beaches of the city of Struga

today, in the premises of the Municipality of Struga, The Chief of Staff of the Mayor of the Municipality of Struga Mr. Dashmir Nasufi held a meeting with the owners of the catering facilities, where the latest decision by the Government regarding the removal of buildings and urban equipment and the return of beaches to their original condition was discussed.. The Municipality of Struga supports the concessionaires and joins them against this hasty and contradictory Decision that will only harm tourism.

The municipality will use all legal remedies available to it as a local self-government for protection of the tourism sector and the interest of the citizens of the Municipality of Struga.

Office of Public Relations,