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coronavirus / Five new infected and one recovered patient from Steuga

The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours are done 1045 test, and registered 164 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje-85, Kumanovo-24, Debar-3, Stip-5, Prilep-3, Tetovo-18, Struga-5, Ohrid-9, Gostivar-2, Gevgelija-1, Kriva Palanka-1, Kocani-1, Македонски Брод-1, Valandovo-1, Sveti Nikole-2, Resen-2, Negotino-1.

Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 12 well-healed patients, in: Skopje-3, Prilep-6, Struga-1, Veles-1 and Vinica-1. Two people from Skopje and Tetovo have died.

A patient from Skopje died in the CGH "September 8" (53g) hospitalized as suspected of cobweb 2 June and confirmed positive after admission. A patient died at the hospital in Tetovo (60g) hospitalized as suspected of cobweb 9 June.

The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 3701, the number of recovering patients is 1694, of the dead is 171, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 1836. After epidemiological surveys, a control result was recorded, the last distribution by cities is as follows:

• Skopje 1676, active 1040
• Kumanovo 620, active 202
• Debar 56, active 5
• Stip 232, active 192
• Bat 226, active 25
• Tetovo 336, active 165
• Struga 115, active 39
• Velez 149, active 28
• Bitola 30, active 3
• Ohrid 55, active 38
• Kavadarci 6, active 1
• Gostivar 56, active 33
• Gevgelija 7, active 3
• Strumica 7, active 4
• Kriva Palanka 8, active 2
• Radovish 4, active 0
• Krushevo 3, active 0
• Kocani 54, active 23
• Probistip 11, active 9
• Demir Hisar 1, active 0
• Makedonski Brod 3, active 1
• Pehchevo 3, active 0
• Berovo 2, active 1
• Valandovo 4, active 3
• Vinica 3, active 1
• Delchevo 1, active 0
• Kratovo 3, active 1
• Sveti Nikole 7, active 6
• Kichevo 3, active 1
• Resen 3, active 3
• Negotino 17, active 8 (*9 persons from PE Negotino are residents of Demir Kapija)

Made 1045 dough are through: IJZ –353 , CJZ Skopje-23, Avicenna -152, Biotech -95, Jean Mitrev (Philip II) –166, Sistina with PCR method -114 and MANU-142. So far, the country has done a total 41.049 tests for the acid -19. There are no screening tests today.

At the Infectious Diseases Clinic in the past 24 hours apply 16 new, and totally hospitalized 93 patients. They are on oxygen support 44 patients, there are no patients on mechanical ventilation.
Until this morning, in the CGH "September 8" were received 16 new, and totally hospitalized 60 patients. The respiratory machine is 10, and with a more severe clinical picture 11 patients.
They are hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 25 patients, and are being treated at home through a hospital 2 patients. They are hospitalized in the hospital in Stip 23 patients. At the infectious wards in Tetovo, Ohrid, Velez, Kumanovo and Prilep are hospitalized 31 a patient – positive and suspicious of cobweb-19.

After the municipalities, active cases in Skopje as of yesterday – (the number of municipalities may be subject to change, given that not all polls have been completed since yesterday.)

• Chair-235
• Butel-88
• Airport-87
• Gazi Baba-89
• Center-87
• Karposh-79
• Saraj-75
• Acid Water-52
• Gjorce Petrov-39
• Suto Orizari-29
• Studenichani-25
• Arachinovo-30
• Ilinden-20
• Petrovec-7
• Cucer Sandevo-6
• Sopiste-3
• Page-2
• Unspecified-2