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Bad news /175 new cases of coronavirus, two are from Struga

The Ministry of Health informs that from the results in 24 the last hours 5 persons have died from COVID 19, while infected have resulted 175 person, meanwhile 18 patients are cured.
With this, the total number of deaths since the onset of the epidemic is 169, infected 3.538, of the healed 1.581, while at the moment we have 1.687 active cases, conveys in7.
The three patients who died are from Skopje, one from Gostivar and another from Prilep.
"A 72-year-old man from Prilep died at the Infectious Diseases Clinic while being admitted to the ambulance. They died at the "September 8" Hospital 3 persons from Skopje, a 60-year-old accepted on 5 June, 64-annual accepted on 8 June, a 59-year-old patient admitted on 8 June and a 72-year-old patient from Gostivar admitted on 30 May", inform from the Ministry of Health.
Patients cured in 24 the last hours
Skopje - 12
Tetovo - 3
Veles – 2
Stip - 1

Infected patients in 24 the last hours

Shkupo - 131
Kumanovo - 24
Tetovo - 5
Vekes - 4
Struga - 2
Stip - 2
Prilep – 2
Sveti Nikole - 2
Gostivar - 2
Ohrid - 1
Total number of infected: Skopje 1592, active cases 960, Kumanovo 597, active cases 179, Tetovo 317, active cases 147, Stip 227, active cases 187, Prilep 222, active cases 27, Veles 149, active cases 29, Struga 111, active cases 36, Gostivar 54, active cases 31, Koçan 53, active cases 22, Debar 53, active cases 2, Ohrid 46, active cases 29, monastery 30, active cases 3, Negotino 16, active case 7, Probistip 11, active cases 9, Strumica 7, active cases 4, Kriva Palankë 7, active cases 1, Kavadarci 6, active cases 1, Gevgelija 6, active cases 2, Saint Nicholas 5, active cases 4, Radovis 4, active cases 0, Kicevo 3, active cases 1, Krusevo 3, active cases 0, Pehchevo 3, active cases 0, Vallandovë 3, active cases 2, Vinica 3, active cases 1, Kratovo 3, active cases 1, Makedonski Brod 2, active cases 0, Bitola 2, active cases 1, Demir Hisar 1, active cases 0, Delcevo 1, active cases 0, Resen 1, active cases 1.
in 24 the last hours have been done 971 tests, whereas the total number of tests since the beginning of the epidemic is 40.0004