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Coronavirus in Macedonia – What is the situation in Struga?

The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours are done 2206 test, and registered 592 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje-259, Kumanovo-31, Debar-7, Stip-8, Prilep-30, Tetovo-18, Struga-21, Veles-17, Bitola-24, Ohrid-28, Kavadarci-35, Gostivar-21, Gevgelija-8, Strumica-12, Kriva Palanka-9, Radovish-5, Kochani-7, Probistip-1, Demir Hisar-1, Македонски Брод-1, Pehchevo-1, Berovo-2, Valandovo-3, Vinica-4, Delchevo-4, Kratovo-1, Sveti Nikole-5, Kichevo-10, Resen-7, Negotino-12.  
Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 691 recovered patients from: Skopje-245, Kumanovo-26, Stip-28, Prilep-76,  Tetovo-23,  Struga-12, Veles-23, Bitola-47, Ohrid-13, Kavadarci-25, Gostivar-29, Gevgelija-17, Strumica-19, Kriva Palanka-2, Radovish-5, Kochani-13, Probistip-2, Demir Hisar-2, Makedonski Brod-5, Pehchevo-1, Berovo-16, Valandovo-1, Vinica-2, Delchevo-12, Kratovo-4, Sveti Nikole-7, Kichevo-11, Resen-7 and Negotino-18.
They are dead 21 face, six patients from Skopje (79,78,68,62, 64 and 53), two from Kumanovo (69 and 78g), two from Tetovo (60 and 72g), three from Prilep (61,77 and 85g), one patient from Stip (87g), one from Ohrid (77g), one from Struga (69g), two patients from Bitola (64 and 85g), one from Strumica (83g), one from Berovo (59g) and one patient from Valandovo (52g).All patients died in hospital.
The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 80407, the number of recovering patients is 57434, of the dead is 2375, and the number of active cases is 20598. According to the completed epidemiological analyzes so far, the distribution by cities is as follows: • Skopje 34687, active 11679 • Kumanovo 4577, active 569 • Debar 605, active 129 • Stip 3233, active 323 • Bat 4057, active 681 • Tetovo 4668, active 942 • Struga 1958, active 356 • Velez 2669, active 548 • Bitola 2934, active 649 • Ohrid 2295, active 588 • Kavadarci 1994, active 578 • Gostivar 3308, active 624 • Gevgelija 1098, active 296 (74 persons from PE Gevgelija are residents of Dojran, 186 of Bogdanci and 12 are foreign nationals) • Strumica 2219, active 629 • Kriva Palanka 586, active 121 • Radovish 592, active 125 • Krushevo 155, active 66 • Kocani 1561, active 257 • Probistip 438, active 51 • Demir Hisar 230, active 39 • Makedonski Brod 209, active 29 • Pehchevo 133, active 16 • Berovo 485, active 62 • Valandovo 291, active 64 • Vinica 435, active 67 • Delchevo 660, active 216 (182 persons from PE Delchevo are from Makedonska Kamenica) • Kratovo 187, active 20 • Sveti Nikole 1027, active 135 • Kichevo 1542, active 265 • Resen 613, active 136 • Negotino 961, active 338 (152 persons from PE Negotino are residents of Demir Kapija)
Made 2206 dough are through: IJZ-502, CJZ Skopje-60,  Avicenna-218, Biotech-138, MANU -145,  Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-106, Sistina with PCR method -144, Laor Laboratory –40, Forensic Medicine-4, CJZ Bitola-73, Infectious Diseases Clinic-1, GAK-16, Sinlab-23, Remedika-23, laboratory of Kozle-17 Hospital, PHI (rapid test) -693, UK Pulmonology with Allergology -3, laboratories from abroad-0. So far, the country has done a total 388.485 testing on Kovid -19.