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Coronavirus in Macedonia – New data came out

The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours are done 2664 test, and registered 815 new cases of covid-19 in: Скопје-329, Куманово-37, Debar-1, Штип-26, Прилеп-46, Тетово-51, Струга-28, Велес-24, Битола-52, Ohrid-28, Кавадарци-31, Гостивар-36, Гевгелија-9, Струмица-20, Крива Паланка-12, Радовиш-12, Крушево-2, Кочани-9, Probistip-3, Demir Hisar-2, Македонски Брод-2, Пехчево –1, Берово-5, Валандово-5, Vinica-1, Delchevo-4, Kratovo-1, Свети Николе-4, Kicevo-6, Ресен-9, Неготино-19.

Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 396 recovered patients from: Скопје-79, Kumanovo-27, Debar-1, Штип-21, Прилеп-34, Тетово-29, Велес-20, Битола-37, Кавадарци-15, Гостивар-32, Гевгелија-10, Strumica-12, Kriva Palanka-5, Радовиш-8, Krushevo-1, Кочани-14, Probistip-2, Пехчево-2, Берово-3, Валандово-4, Vinica-4, Свети Николе-13, Кичево-14, Ресен-3 и Неготино-6.

They are dead 20 person, осум пациенти од Скопје (76, 65, 84, 64, 71, 80, 51, 74g), one from Stip (82g), двајца од Прилеп (68 and 72g), one from Struga (78g), двајца од Велес (70 и 65г), еден од Битола (84g), еден од Кавадарци (68g), двајца пациенти од Гостивар (64 и 89г), one from Strumica (63g) и еден пациент од Берово (77g). Од нив двајца пациенти се починати вон, останатите се починати во болнички услови.

The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 77949, the number of recovering patients is 53345, of the dead is 2274, and the number of active cases is 22330. According to the completed epidemiological analyzes so far, the distribution by cities is as follows: • Skopje 33643, active 11956 • Kumanovo 4448, active 622 • Debar 586, active 171 • Stip 3177, active 412 • Bat 3914, active 880 • Tetovo 4587, active 1009 • Struga 1896, active 440 • Velez 2595, active 652 • Bitola 2849, active 829 • Ohrid 2196, active 651 • Kavadarci 1863, active 635 • Gostivar 3220, active 720 • Gevgelija 1035, active 318 (70 persons from PE Gevgelija are residents of Dojran, 176 of Bogdanci and 12 are foreign nationals) • Strumica 2142, active 623 • Kriva Palanka 562, active 133 • Radovish 576, active 142 • Krushevo 154, active 70 • Kocani 1511, active 280 • Probistip 424, active 63 • Demir Hisar 227, active 47 • Makedonski Brod 209, active 36 • Pehchevo 128, active 21 • Berovo 468, active 96 • Valandovo 274, active 60 • Vinica 426, active 103 • Delchevo 641, active 289 (178 persons from PE Delchevo are from Makedonska Kamenica) • Kratovo 181, active 26 • Sveti Nikole 1008, active 162 • Kichevo 1500, active 329 • Resen 592, active 169 • Negotino 917, active 386 (147 persons from PE Negotino are residents of Demir Kapija)
Made 2664 dough are through: ИЈЗ-689, ЦЈЗ Скопје-79, Авицена-215, Биотек-167, MANU -184, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-162, Sistina with PCR method -133, лабораторија Лаор –37, Судска медицина-3, ЦЈЗ Битола-66, Инфективна клиника-2, HOOK-0, Синлаб-64, Ремедика-29, Kozle Hospital Laboratory-0, PHI (rapid test) -830, УК Пулмологија со алергологија –4, laboratories from abroad-0. So far, the country has done a total 379.229 testing on Kovid -19.