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The kayakers from Struga for the fourth time sent a message of support to people with rare diseases

Struga, 13 September 2023 (MIA) – Traditionally, for the fourth time today, the message of support for people with rare diseases was sent from the waters of Lake Ohrid through the rowing marathon "We row for the rare". .

About twenty kayakers rowed along the left bank of Lake Ohrid from Struga to the village of Radožda in a length of approx. 30 kilometers organized by the "Bograd" hotel and the sports and recreation club "Solaris".

Unlike previous years, when the event was held in the waters of the Black Dream River and Globochicko Lake, this year it was held in Ohrid Lake, but the message, according to Costa Hiohi of Solaris Sports Club, is the same; to raise the voice for people with rare diseases.

– We want to show and prove that those people exist in our country and that they do not have the necessary treatment to deal with the challenges of their diseases. First of all, they face difficulties in diagnosing their illnesses, and based on that, the correct therapy is not determined. Then they also face many challenges in our society, from not having medicine, interest from the institutions, until their inclusion in society, Hiohi pointed out.

The event also has the support of the business community, and according to businessman Sherif Kadrioski, the goal is to raise public awareness among all of us about people with rare diseases, who, according to him, previously they were also neglected by the middle, and from the environment, and from the entire system.

– In the last four-five years, we have witnessed progress in that area thanks to several associations and families who have patients with rare diseases., but also from those who did not have the opportunity to meet with such cases to be able to get closer and get involved in their daily life in the face of the challenges that today's times bring, Kadrioski said.

The families of people with rare diseases say that the biggest problem they face is the diagnosis of the disease, and then their normal functioning. ss/sh/

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