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Struga: 72 divorces only in the second trimester 2023

Haračina and Kirçova with no divorced couples in the second quarter of 2023

In the second quarter of the year 2023, the number of births is lower compared to last year in the same period. According to the data of the State Agency for Statistics, in the second quarter of the year 2023, the number of live births is 4 019 child, while compared to the same period last year, the number of births decreased by 8.9 %.

In the second quarter of the year 2023 have died 4,730 person, of which 6 baby, which marks a decrease from 0.5 % compared to the same quarter of the year 2022.

As for the number of marriages in the second quarter of 2023 has grown with 10.9 % compared to the same period of the year 2022 and they have all been realized 3,228 marriages, while regarding divorces in this quarter, the State Statistics Agency reports that in our country they have been divorced 467 double.

Births in the country: 4,019

Total deaths in the country: 4,730

Natural addition: – 711

Marriages in the country: 3,228

Divorce in the country: 467

Although the number of marriages is higher than the number of divorces, again, there are no shortage of divorces even in the smallest municipalities. In the municipality of Zhelina, they got divorced only in the second quarter of this year 13 couples while married 47 double, in Bogovina they are divorced 8 couples while married 32, in Kavadar 14 divorced while married 64 double.

In the Municipalities that have not divorced in the second quarter of this year, the Municipality of Kîçova ranks with no divorce while they are married 77 double. Then comes the Municipality of Dibra with no divorcees while they are married 28 couples and also the Municipality of Haračina with no divorced while married 23 double. The natural increase in our country only in the second quarter of this year is negative 711 residents compared to the same period last year which means that the number of live births is lower than the number of deaths./KlanMacedonia