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Report of the day – Coronavirus in Macedonia

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 3.566 test, and registered 999 new cases of KOVID-19 in: Skopje - 465, bat - 53, Куманово – 52,Велес – 48, Kavadarci - 43, Gostivar - 38, Negotino - 37, Tetovo - 36, Bitola - 35, Ohrid - 33, Stip - 30, Gevgelija - 23, Kocani - 16, Крива Паланка – 10, Kichevo - 9, Valandovo - 8, Струмица и Радовиш – по 7, Berovo, Богданци и Демир Капија – 6, Resen, Debar, Пробиштип и Виница – по 4, Struga, Крушево и Демир Хисар – по 3, Sveti Nikole, Делчево и Македонски Брод – по 2.
Registered 711 recovered patients from: Skopje - 264, bat - 72, Tetovo - 44, Ohrid - 40, Gostivar - 33, Куманово и Битола – по 32, Velez - 29, Struga - 26, Strumica - 23, Штип и Крива Паланка – по 17, Кочани и Гевгелија – по 14, Berovo - 13, Крушево и Богданци – по 6, Kichevo, Свети Николе и Пробиштип – по 4, Radovish and Delchevo - after 3, Kavadarci, Resen, Валандово и Пехчево – по 2, Vinica, Kratovo and Demir Hisar - po 1.
Пријавено е вкупно 21 починато лице, aged 50 – 90 years and that: 6 patients from Skopje, три починати лица од Велес, two dead people from Prilep, Ohrid, Струга и Гевгелија, and on 1 deceased person from Kumanovo, Gostivar, Струмица и Ресен. All patients died in hospital.
Made 3.566 tests through: ИЈЗ-543, ЦЈЗ Скопје-92, Авицена-420, Биотек-291, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-173, Sistina -325, лабораторија Лаор–260, Судска медицина-5, ЦЈЗ Битола-86, Клиника за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби-2, Синлаб-65, Ремедика-32, Kozle Hospital Laboratory-0, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 1.271, UK Pulmonology with Allergology-1, GOB September 8th-0.
So far, the country has done a total 582.489 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 117.437, the number of recovering patients is 99.837, of the dead is 3.424, and the number of active cases is 14.176.
According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total) Active cases (in total) Skopje 52179, active 7138bat 6387, active 923 Kumanovo 6153, active 498Tetovo 5939, active 425 Gostivar 4189, active 351Kavadarci 4033, active 706 Stip 3936, active 262Velez 3936, active 427 Bitola 3887, active 416Ohrid 3718, active 509 Strumica 2991, active 237Struga 2548, active 151 Kocani 2062, active 200Kichevo 1858, active 73 Negotino 1714, active 458Gevgelija 1575, active 327 Sveti Nikole 1166, active 49Kriva Palanka 1003, active 133 Resen 915, active 113 Debar 813, active 19 Radovish 816, active 69 Delchevo 789, active 64 Berovo 741, active 77 Probistip 622, active 65 Vinica 552, active 29 Valandovo 452, active 78 Krushevo 399, active 124 Bogdanci 360, active 67 Kratovo 306, active 24 Demir Hisar 309, active 43 Demir Kapija 321, active 83 Macedonian Ship 265, active 13 Pehchevo 205, active 15 Makedonska Kamenica 195, active 3 Dojran 103, active 7