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Spasovski thanked Merko for her tireless work – Spasovski thanked Merko for the hard work

Mayor Ramis Merko, today received a delegation consisting of the Minister of Interior Mr.. Oliver Spasovski, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Mr.. Nazim Bushi and their cabinet chiefs, Minister of Information Society and Administration, Mr.. Jeton Shaqiri, Chiefs of SPB and PIU for Ohrid and Struga Mr.. Sasho Smileski and Dritan Ajro as well as the commander of SP Struga Mr.. Abdylqerim Kamberi,
Several topics were discussed in this workshop:
. Removal of the facility and cleaning of the surrounding area – the old prison and the old police house for the opening of the two-way street.
. Relocation of the police building to a more suitable part, that will provide better conditions for citizens and employees themselves.
✔️ Offer for the Municipality to issue the ground floor for all administrative services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: IDs, passports, driver's license, etc..
Ri Minister of MSHIA Jeton Shaqiri offered that in this part is also included the project A service point.
✔️ Safety in the city and surroundings is exemplary, but that can be improved even more.
✔️ In terms of maintaining the security of citizens and their lives, protection of natural and cultural heritage and the completion of the business sector.
Më Greater control and protection for young people starting from preschool to secondary education from bad phenomena in society.
. The current problem with driver's licenses in Struga, be resolved as soon as possible.
For the end, Minister Spasovski thanked the Mayor for his tireless work, for the reconstruction of the main roads in the city including the accompanying infrastructure, atmospheric sewage, fecal sewage, sidewalk, new parking lots.. to provide citizens with unimpeded movement and better traffic conditions.

Mayor Ramis Merko , today welcomed a delegation composed of the Minister of Interior Mr.. Oliver Spasovski, Deputy Minister of Interior Mr.. Nazim Bushi and their chiefs of staff , The Minister of Information Society and Administration, Mr.. Jeton Shaqiri, the chiefs of SIA and OVR Ohrid and Struga Mr.. Sasho Smileski and Dritan Ajro and the commander of PS Struga Mr.. Abdulḱerim Kamberi.
Several topics were discussed at this working meeting:
Ување Removal of a building and the entire area around it - an old prison and an old police house for opening a two-way street.
✔️ Moving the entire police building to a more appropriate part with better conditions for the citizens and the employees themselves.
. Offer for the Municipality to issue the ground floor for all administrative services of the Ministry of Interior: IDs, road administrations , driving licenses, etc..
Стерот The Minister of MISA Jeton Shaqiri offered in that part also to introduce the project One point of services.
Дност Exemplary security in the city and surroundings , and which can be further improved.
✔️ In terms of preserving the safety of citizens and their lives, the protection of natural and cultural heritage and the provision of the business sector.
✔️ Greater control and protection of the youngest starting from preschool to secondary education from the bad phenomena in the society.
. The current problem with driver's licenses in Struga, to be resolved as soon as possible .
Finally, Minister Spasovski thanked the Mayor for his hard work , for the reconstruction of the main streets in the city including the ancillary infrastructure , atmospheric sewer, fecal sewage , sidewalks, new parking spaces, to ensure citizens smooth movement and better traffic conditions.