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They are registered today 1.299 new cases of Kovid 19

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 5.057 test, and registered 1.299 new cases of KOVID-19 in: Skopje - 672, bat – 70, Kumanovo - 62, Bitola - 47, Velez - 44, Ohrid - 43, Kavadarci - 38, Negotino - 36, Gostivar - 34, Tetovo - 32, Strumica - 30, Kocani - 21, Stip -20, Kichevo - 18, Gevgelija - 17, Sveti Nikole - 16, Radovish - 13, Resen - 12, Struga - 11, Valandovo - 9, Berovo - 8, Крива Паланка и Богданци – по 7, Probistip - 6, Делчево и Македонски Брод – по 5, Vinica and Krushevo - after 4, Demir Hisar and Dojran - po 3, Дебар и Кратово – по 1 .
Registered 413 recovered patients from: Kavadarci - 113, Skopje - 67, Negotino - 62, bat - 36, Kumanovo – 21, Velez - 18, Tetovo, Stip, Bitola, Струмица и Кочани – 11, Гостивар и Гевгелија – по 9, Demir Kapija - 5, Свети Николе и Делчево – по 3, Resen, Valandovo, Богданци и Кратово – по 2, Radovish, Probistip, Виница и Демир Хисар – по 1.
Registered in total 24 begin faces, aged 35 – 82 years and that: 7 patients from Skopje, од Кавадарци – 5, from Prilep - 4, од Гевгелија – 2, и по едно починато лице се регистрира од Тетово, Velez, Kocani, Kichevo, Ресен и Радовиш. All reported died in hospital.
Made 5.057 tests through: ИЈЗ-1233, ЦЈЗ Скопје-93, ЦЈЗ Битола-81, Клиника за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби-2, Судска медицина-73, лабораторија болница Козле-20, УК Пулмологија со алергологија–9, GOB September 8th-0, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-177, Авицена-402, Биотек-453, Систина-327, лабораторија Лаор–455, Синлаб-156, Ремедика-40, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 1.536.
So far, the country has done a total 587.546 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 118.736, the number of recovering patients is 100.250, of the dead is 3.448, and the number of active cases is 15.038.
According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total) Active cases (in total) Skopje 52851, active 7736bat 6457, active 953 Kumanovo 6214, active 538Tetovo 5971, active 445 Gostivar 4223, active 376Kavadarci 4071, active 626 Stip 3956, active 271Velez 3980, active 452 Bitola 3934, active 452Ohrid 3762, active 553 Strumica 3021, active 256Struga 2559, active 162 Kocani 2083, active 209Kichevo 1876, active 90 Negotino 1750, active 432Gevgelija 1592, active 333 Sveti Nikole 1182, active 62Kriva Palanka 1010, active 140 Resen 927, active 122 Debar 814, active 20 Radovish 829, active 80 Delchevo 794, active 66 Berovo 749, active 85 Probistip 628, active 70 Vinica 556, active 32 Valandovo 461, active 85 Krushevo 403, active 128 Bogdanci 367, active 72 Kratovo 307, active 23 Demir Hisar 312, active 45 Demir Kapija 321, active 78 Macedonian Ship 270, active 18 Pehchevo 205, active 15 Makedonska Kamenica 195, active 3 Dojran 106, active 10