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Alsat: Struga villages of tomorrow will form local crisis headquarters

In several villages of Struga tomorrow will form local crisis headquarters, after a sharp rise in positive cases of coronavirus in this region. From the confirmed so far 24 cases in Struga, most of them are from Labunista. Just yesterday there were nine newly infected there.

Additionally, Today there is one more patient from Labunista who died, and among those infected is a family doctor. The municipality of Struga tells Alsat that they are analyzing the situation and do not rule out the possibility of asking the government to introduce measures to isolate Labunista and other settlements..

"We have asked the central government to take as many tests as possible, to start testing by officials to see that this is not something that is embarrassing for the citizens and is in order to protect themselves, but also other citizens who are in danger. ", says Dashmir Nasufi - municipality of Struga.

Tomorrow, an epidemiologist from the Institute of Public Health from Skopje will come to Struga and according to his instructions, it will be determined whether a decision for isolation will be made.. An additional problem is that Labunista with about 11.000 inhabitants is a densely populated place. Many of the residents are also related, so experts say there is a need for great caution.

Chairman of the Crisis Staff in Labunista, Mirsad Memisoski for Alsat said that they welcome any idea that will be aimed at dealing with the spread of the epidemic and together with the authorities these days will decide which is the best solution..

"Experts should come and propose concrete measures. Surely they have some parameters of their own. Then we will agree on that. Measures are respected, people are disciplined who are placed in self-isolation. Unfortunately, we have positive cases. We expect epidemiologists to come and give their opinion. ", said Mirsad Memishoski, President of the Crisis Staff in Labunista.

In the Struga hospital, there are two rooms for isolation of the internal ward, for cases that would be positive for Covid 19. Директорот Мухамед Асани вели дека неколку пациентки кои лежеле на интерно, откако се покажало дека се позитивни веднаш биле препратени на инфективната клиника во Скопје.

"According to the situation, we are forced to adapt one space outside the hospital to 10 beds with staff that will be 24 hours available, што ќе служи за пациенти за кои има сомнение дека се заразени со корона вирусот. Оваа работа ќе видиме како понатаму ќе ја управуваме. We appeal to the ministry and the authorities to take something bigger regarding the Infectious Diseases Department in Ohrid, so that we can have a good cooperation and put them to work so that we do not have problems that we have every day with patients. ", said Mohammad Asani, director of the Struga General Hospital.

In Struga, swabs are taken from all women who are in the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy, and which come from environments where cases of cowboy have already been registered 19. Director Asani says it is about 40 patients. So far, six analyzes have been performed and none have been positive.

This is in order for the hospital to have a clear picture of their condition before delivery. Additionally, epidemiological surveys of the entire medical staff of the X-ray department were performed., дневна амбуланта и интерно одделение и се негативни. Од Центарот за јавно здравје во Охрид велат дека секојдневно се земаат брисеви за Ковид 19 и од Охрид и од Струга.

By Miki Trajkovski