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Address by Dr. Aladdin Demishoski to the citizens of Labunishta

Address by Dr. Aladdin Demishoski to the citizens of Labunishta

“These days we have faced false information from local portals about our fellow citizens positive for Covid-19. It is absurd that the same portal in the period from 2 days to inform that we have an approximate number of negatives ,and the next day the same number to be positive. Sensitive data is manipulated by the public. They play with the feelings of the people. The virus has infected developed countries, developing countries, as well as the Balkans, the number is expected to grow locally. Which does not mean that there is room for panic or fear. The situation is under the control of the responsible authorities, doctors and local police. The system of communication with the authorities is constant,daily.Currently in isolation are about 100 residents in Labunista with police coordination. The number of tested and positive at the moment is 4, and official data on the others are expected 15 tested. Testing will continue. This is a time consuming and time consuming process. Marathon. But we note that there is no room for panic. Do not go out unnecessarily, wash ducks regularly, do not visit health institutions if there is no real need for it, protect the elderly at home, make the most of the time spent at home with your family. In order not to confuse the public, we are in communication with all doctors, by this stage the number of positives is expected to reach 50.(If new patients do not come out who do not associate us with the patients and their families, as possible and then there is no room for panic). The police have full control of the situation. Follows the paths traced by the doctors. From all the sick, only 2-3 % will be in a more difficult situation. The rest 97 % they will eat the virus from home. Anyone who dies these days ,does not mean that the cause of death is the coronavirus. Death is a normal part of life. Respect both the sick and their families. Put yourself in their shoes when you write everything. The positives are not always symptomatic, that is, they may have the virus but not become infected . You with your secular knowledge or your ignorance, you put a lot of pressure on these people and put them in a very difficult psychological situation. Stigmatization does not help, asymptomatic patients are quarantined at home and pose no threat to the rest of the population, because the recommendations are followed,the families affected are quite disciplined, and the system of authorities works. About the already dead, please respect and follow the official data, whether or not they were positive for the virus, In due time, the institutions will inform us through the Ministry of Health.
At the same time, we use the moment to send an appeal to the journalists, the media and portals to be careful when reporting on topics sensitive to citizens , report information verified by the Institute of Public Health, Ministry of Health and the Government. Let's all help, it is a common problem, to facilitate the work of all, both institutions and citizens,affected or not by the epidemic we face today.”

Specialist in internal medicine
Aladdin Demishoski