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Struggle in Struga, Police give details | Quarrel in Struga, police with details

On 14.11.2022 year 01 o'clock in OVR Struga detained M.M. (42), V.M.(65) and E.M.(35), all from Struga. They, around 00.30 o'clock on the street "Memet Ilyaz" in Struga violated public order and peace with a physical attack on H.M.(58) Struga. An appropriate complaint will be filed against the attackers.

By date 14.11.2022 at time 01:00 in the Internal Affairs Unit in Struga, M.M. was arrested. (42), V.M (65) and E.M (35), all from Struga. About an hour 00:30 on the street "Memet Iljaz" in Struga, they broke public order and peace by physically attacking N.M.(58) Struga. Appropriate charges will be filed against the attackers. SPB Ohrid , from Labunista