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Arrested 43 annual man | A man is arrested 43 year

Due to the existence of grounds for suspicion of a committed criminal act of "illegal production, posture, brokering and trading in weapons or explosives", OVR Struga filed a criminal report against M.Ch.(43) from the Struga village Draslajca. During a search of his home following a court order, police officers found and confiscated a "Walter" caliber pistol 9 millimeters and 10 shotgun bullets, caliber 16 millimeters that he illegally possessed

Due to the well-founded suspicion of committing the criminal offense "production, POSSESSION, brokering and illegal trading of weapons or explosives", The Struga Internal Affairs Unit has filed a criminal complaint against M.Ç( 43) from the village of Drasllajce in Struga. During the raid on his house by court order , police officers found and seized a handgun ,,Walter ,, of caliber 9 mm and 10 caliber game cartridges 16 mm that he illegally possessed. SPB Ohrid, from Labunista