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The "women's beach" in Struga has turned into an illegal parking lot

Once the most beautiful and attractive beach in Struga, known as "Women's Beach", has turned into an illegal parking lot. Although it is state land, someone has fenced off part of the plot.

These images were taken this weekend. Dozens of cars were parked on the spot, while the citizens drank coffee. The Strugans suspect that it is about wish fulfillment.

"There is nothing of it. They pollute everything, pollute the entire lake. Who lets them do that? It's crazy. There is no institution, it is only on paper, nothing else. Anarchy rules".

"We've been coming here since we were little and somehow it's not pretty at all. They destroyed the city...".

"It can't be worse. By far the worst in town. We are from outside and it is not good to see the city destroyed like this…”

The public enterprise Eko Struga, which manages the parking lots in the city, does not know who owns these parking lots. They have been submitted to the Market Inspectorate, but they have not received an answer. The Municipality of Struga does not indicate who manages the parking lots and whether anyone has given them a permit. Even the Government raises its hands.

"The Ministry of Transport and Communications does not manage the beaches, nor does it have a concession agreement with them", announced by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Politics in Struga also reacts.

"We are witnessing the usurpation of public space, property of the Republic of Macedonia, without any legal and legal procedure…”, said Nikola Kukunesh, VMRO-DPMNE Struga.

This is not the only place in Struga where illegal parking lots operate. /Alsat.mk