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Tomorrow the next session of the Council, that is why will be discussed!

By date 27.12.2018 starting at 10:00, in the great hall of the Municipality of Struga Council will be held session 17 (seventeen) Council with the following agenda:
- Minutes of the session 15 - the Council of Struga.(unfinished)
- Minutes of the session of the 16th Municipal Council of Struga

  1. Proposed Budget of the Municipality of Struga for the year 2019
  2. Draft Decision on the implementation of the budget in Struga 2019
  3. Maximum ark of the municipal account for the year 2019,
  4. Proposal - Decision for debt issuance for the implementation of systematic controls and sanitary municipal elementary schools.
  5. Proposal - Decision for debt issuance to supply wood for heating municipal primary schools for the heating season 2017 – 2018.
  6. Proposal - Decision for debt issuance to supply wood for heating municipal primary schools for the heating season 2018- 2019.
  7. Proposal - Decision for obtaining debt based on a judicial appeasement - MP - 171/18.
  8. The initiative received for processing DPLU - small commercial units - B1 filed by Arben Mahmud for parts of pk.nr. 991/5 and pk.nr.993 / 1 and pk.nr.991 / 1 KK Radolishta.
  9. Proposal - Decision for determining the need for the adoption of urban planning documentation for harmonization of plans dedication, at the request of the person Kormakoski the Union f. Labunishta - Struga.
  10. Proposal - Decision for determining the need for the adoption of urban planning documentation for harmonization of plans dedication, at the request of the person Salija Sefidanoski by f. Labunishta - Struga
  11. Proposal - Decision for determining the need for the adoption of urban planning documentation for harmonization of plans dedication, at the request of the person Arun Merko from Struga.
  12. Proposal - Decision for determining the need for the adoption of urban planning documentation for harmonization of plans dedication, at the request of the person Besir Sinanoski by f. Labunishta - Struga
  13. Proposal - Decision for determining the need for the adoption of urban planning documentation for harmonization of plans dedication, at the request of the person Sefade Qazimoska by f. Labunishta - Struga.
  14. Proposal - Decision for determining the need for the adoption of urban planning documentation for harmonization of plans dedication, at the request of the person from Mersin had f. Zagraçan - Struga.
  15. Proposal - Decision for determining the need for the adoption of urban planning documentation for harmonization of plans dedication, at the request of the person SEVDIE Osmani from Novo Selo.
  16. Draft Program for the Municipality of Struga activities in the field of environmental protection and nature for the year 2019.
  17. Proposal - Program for the regulation of unregulated construction land for the year 2019
  18. Program for the work of NP "Oktisi" - f.Oktis for the year 2019,
  19. Program for NPN work "Proaqua" - Struga for the year 2019.
  20. Proposal - Program Unit for work to local communities for the year 2019
  21. Proposal - Program for the Municipality of Struga activities in the field of protection and rescue and crisis management for the year 2019
  22. Proposal - Program for general tourist propaganda and improving conditions for tourists to stay in 2019.
  23. Discussion as submitted requests for the debts of the municipal primary and secondary schools.

in 17/12/2018 beginning of 10:00 pm in the great hall of the Council of Struga, will be held 17 (Seventeen) Meeting with the Daily Ped:
-minutes of 15 -session of the Council of the Municipality of Struga (unfinished)
-Minutes of the 16th session of the Council of Struga.

  1. Draft Budget of the Municipality of Struga 2019 year
  2. Draft Decision on the Budget of the Municipality of Struga 2019 year
  3. Treasury up into the municipality for 2019 year
  4. Draft - Decision for the debt carried sanitary and systematic review of Basic general schools.
  5. Draft - Decision for the long procurement of firewood Municipal primary schools for heating season 2017 – 2018 year.
  6. Draft - Decision for the long procurement of firewood Municipal schools heating season 2018 – 2019 year.
  7. Draft - Decision for long on the basis of court settlement - RO - 171/18.
  8. Accept Initiative making LUPD - small commercial units - B1 filed by Arben Mahmudi part of kp.br. 991/5 and kp.br. 993/1 and kp.br. 991/1 KO Radorišta.
  9. Draft Decision on establishing the need of adopting urban planning documentation to align the purposes served by Bashkim Kormakoski the village. Labunishta - Struga.
  10. Draft Decision on establishing the need of adopting urban planning documentation to align the purposes served by Sali Sefidanoski odds. Labunishta - Struga.
  11. Draft Decision on establishing the need of adopting urban planning documentation to align the purposes served by Arun Merko odStruga
  12. Draft Decision on establishing the need of adopting urban planning documentation to align the purposes served by Besir Sinanoski ods.Labunishta - Struga
  13. Draft Decision on establishing the need of adopting urban planning documentation to align the purposes served by Sefade Kazimoski ods.Labunishta - Struga
  14. Draft Decision on establishing the need of adopting urban planning documentation to align the purposes served from Mersin Kishta ods.Zagrachani - Struga.
  15. Draft Decision on establishing the need of adopting urban planning documentation to align the purposes served by Sevdi Osmani from Novo Selo.
  16. Program activities of Struga in the field of environmental middle nature 2019 year.
  17. Draft - Program for arranging construction undeveloped land 2019 year.
  18. Work Program of PE "Oktisi" - for Oktisi-Struga 2019 year,
  19. Work program of MJP "Proakva" - Struga charter 2019 year,
  20. Draft Work Program of the Department of local communities 2019 year
  21. Draft Program for the activities of Struga in the field of protection and rescue and disaster management for 2019 year,
  22. Draft - Program for general tourist propaganda and improving the living conditions of tourists 2019 year.
  23. Discussion on submitted requests for debt primary and secondary schools Opshtiski.