NEWS / newsThe town / city

tomorrow ( Wednesday) The Struga Council session

By date 14/11/2018 starting at 10:00, in the great hall of the Municipality of Struga Council will be held session 15 (fifteen) Council with the following agenda:

- Minutes of the session 14 - the Council of Struga.
1. Changes and additions ( rebalance) The municipality of Struga Budget for the year 2018,
2. quadrennial report to the JCE work "hygiene" - f.Llabunishtë, i-quarter III / 2018,
3. Program of the Council for Prevention, child abuse in Struga for the year 2019,
4. Proposal - Decision for the implementation of procedures based on electronic public auction of short-term lease of construction land owned by the Republic of Macedonia The beaches,
5. Proposal - Decision for adoption of general acts, which sets conditions on the way of building in the village Llozhan - Struga municipality for which no layout. =
6. Proposal - Decision for determining the location for the station to supply electric vehicles.
7. Proposal - Decision for determining the need of DPU approval PK No.. 1 KK - Lake Glloboçica Drilon filed by Moses from f.Dobovjan.
