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Masks and helmets of gold found by ISNI DIKA in Struga -1913

Masks and helmets of gold found by ISNI DIKA in Struga -1913

Write: Sami PIREVA

Gold masks and helmets are found by -ISNY DIKA of Struga in year -1913 - We excavations that have been done on Trebenishta which have 10 Cemetery of the old person who is found under nji very old map from the skin of very old notes. No. We tomb - 9- has found the guise of gold in v reaches No. - 8- He has found the helmet Soldier .

Immediately after the finding was arrested at the time of the - the Serbian Gendarmerie Serbian Mretrnis KAN kills shall have received all the items that he found there were many other artifacts of have sent somewhere in Serbia do not have ba Public asnjihere that the day that you do not have convenient that it is not Tyne History, are Albanian, The gjithemon to calculate that one day cut off physically and assimilate the people of innocent Albanian, only only so in order to gjitheqaka and then taken to pervetsojn all.

They have forgotten that the Lord is the one who decides, Gold masks and helmets found in Trebenishta is public do after Macedonia declare naturalization self.

But even these Slavs of Macedonia gypsy craving that you have spo blind eyes see what is happening Reality ,They follow the path of the abyss for himself.,

This artifact - the guise of gold have placed on the paper currency of - 500 Denar scan is tregue asnjihere when it was found and who has found and whose time is up and what presents.

—- This is my work nji the insert 10 years old without interruption , Research Our roots