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Learn the names financed by Struga municipality associations for the year 2018 / Get the associations financed by the Municipality of Struga 2018 year

Long ago in the Municipality of Struga Council discussed the final financial report of the municipality for the year 2018. One of the topics that was discussed ways of financing NGOs. By councilors requested additional clarification on how these funds are spent and how to distribute them. On what basis are allocated funds, Is there any methodology or something else, ask advisers.

VOX Struga has failed to provide a list of all organizations that have received funding from the Municipality of Struga for the year 2018 and the amount they received.

To see more pictures below!

Some time ago the Council of the Municipality of Struga debated the final report of the municipality and one of dikutiranite points was the financing of NGOs. By advisors searched more information on the way these funds are spent and assigned them. BF what basis are certain funds, if there is any methodology or something else, asked councilors.

VOX Struga get the list of all organizations that have received funds from the Municipality of Struga 2018 year and the amount they received.

more, See the images below!