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The mayor realized promises, new roads Misleshevo / Mayor realizes promises, new roads in Misleshovë

Mayor of Struga, Ramiz Merko is implementing the promises made in the election campaign. Finally he paved with new asphalt some roads within the village Misleshovë. The new asphalt Misleshovë was admitted a few months ago. Residents of Misleshovës expressed satisfaction and congratulate the Mayor Merko continue to fulfill promises.

“Struga municipality headed by its President Mr.. Ramis Merko implemented several infrastructure projects. On the initiative of the President and with greater intesivitet they were organized rikonsruimi and asphalting of some local roads f. Misleshovë”- It stated in the notice of Struga.

otherwise, Misleshova also known as a bastion of Ramiz Merkos where local elections took special support, which was confirmed in the last presidential elections.

Mayor of Struga realized some of the promises during the election campaign. last, lokalmi paved some roads inside the village Misleshevo. New asphalt in this village had a few months ago. Misleshevo citizens are happy and are telling the Gradonachalniklt measures continue ispilnuvanje promises.

“Struga municipality led by Mayor Ramis Merko realized several construction projects. With the initiative of the mayor several local roads Misleshevo were reconstructed and paved” – it said the Municipality of Struga.

Otherwise, Misleshevo is considered a bastion of Ramiz Merko, where local elections received extraordinary support that was confirmed in the last presidential elections.