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The teachers at the music school in Struga have not received a salary for 17 month

Journalist: Miki Trajkovski

For seventeen months, the workers of the municipal elementary school of music in Struga have not received a salary. There is no salary for the teachers working in the school since its opening, but also for those who have been employed in the meantime. The school opened with pomp, at the height of the election campaign in September of the year 2021. But at that time neither the local government with Ramiz Merko at the head nor the ministers present said that they had not provided either finances or staff. The director says that they have received a promise that the salary problem will be resolved, but they also expect to receive approval for the employment of teachers.

We also contacted the teachers, they did not want to speak in front of the cameras, but they say that the authorities have promised them that they will solve the problem by the end of February. Parents warn of protests in support of teachers.

"We have a child and we are very satisfied with the teachers, who teach at the primary music school in Struga. Those teachers don't get paid, and we are really afraid, because we might lose something that is well done for children, if those relations between the school are not fixed, school founders and other state authorities, who should be compensated for what they invest, if this school is extinguished, it will be to the detriment of our children", tha Dejan Lazareski-prind.

Minister of Education Shaqiri, says he was aware of the problem, but it shows that the problem is not only about wages, but also to the failure to resolve the status of teachers.

"I am grateful to those teachers who have good will not only during the period that I am minister, but they are even earlier by keeping alive, but we will soon give the first consents to adjust the status of those professors who probably will not to be in the total number that was the request of the municipality of Struga or the school because the documents were forwarded, but it is a good action which consent will be obtained and they can complete the hours", declared Jeton Shaqiri-Minister of Education.

In this school, they continue learning 250 for pipe dislocation for. /Alsat.mk