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Teachers in the lower music school in Struga do not have a salary 17 months

For seventeen months, employees of the municipal primary music school in Struga have not been paid. There is no salary for the teachers who have been working in the school since its opening, but also for those who have been admitted in the meantime. The school was opened with pomp, at the height of the election campaign in September 2021, but at the opening neither the local government led by Ramiz Merko nor the ministers present, they did not say that they did not provide either finances or staff. The director says that they received a promise that the problem will be solved by paying salaries, but also expect that they will receive approval for the employment of teachers.

"We are a new school, which first started working in the classroom 2021/2022 year. This year, the number of second-year students has also increased,and the number of teachers also increased, because in the second year, all our students who enrolled last year go to individual lessons. We as a school, me as the director and the municipality as the founder, we have asked the Ministry of Education for new consents for new employments", said Altin Ziba, director.

Alsat also contacted the teachers. They didn't want to talk on camera, but they say that the authorities promised them that they will solve the problem by the end of February. Parents announce that they will hold a rally to support the teachers.

"We have a child and we are very satisfied with the teachers who teach at the primary music school in Struga. Those teachers do not receive a salary. And we really fear why we can lose something that was done well for the children. If those relations between the school are not arranged, the founders of the school and other state authorities to be compensated for what they invest, if that school goes out of business, it will be to the detriment of our children", said Dejan Lazareski, parent.

Minister of Education Shaqiri, says he was aware of the problem, but reveals that the problem is not only in salaries but also in the unresolved status of teachers.

"I thank those teachers who had good will not only during the time I was minister, but also earlier and they keep it alive. We will soon give the first approvals for adjusting the status of professors. This was a request of the municipality of Struga and the school - who forwarded the documents", said Jeton Shaqiri, Minister of Education.

They attend classes in this school 250 students./Alsat

By Miki Trajkovski