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Mendi Qyra and OEMVP: Alarming situation, institutions to reflect on the real problems of business and economy in general

At the press conference organized by the Economic Chamber of North-Western Macedonia, chaired by the President Mendi Qyra, together with the vice presidents: with. Nuhi Aliu, Long live Asani, We hope Tairi and the President of the Assembly of the Chamber, Mr. Nazmi Ejupi were pronounced and offered concrete solutions on successive crises of large global proportions, from which our state and economy suffered a lot.

Among the topics that were given importance was Manpower, where the chairman Mendi Qyra emphasized that the priority of the Government should be the liberalization of the labor market with the region, eliminating the barriers that prevent their import from other countries, adapting quotas to market needs, especially for the construction and tourism and hospitality sector. OEMVP emphasized that our country is running out of manpower even though along 3 in recent years we have had approx 15.000 graduate students.

Among other things, OEMVP supports it but appreciates that the increase of the minimum wage as an issue is closely related to the labor force aspect, however, provided that the same is preceded by the increase in the efficiency of the labor force in our country.

As for the price freeze, OEMVP considers that prices should be determined by the free market economy, but if such measures are taken, then tax reliefs or customs fees are also necessary in order to avoid the lack of those products in the market but also to protect local producers.

also, priorities of OEMVP which were also presented through the platform for economic development to political parties, each time there have been infrastructure projects as well, including the Corridor 8, Skopje-Blaca highway, Vizbeg area, etc..

According to the global competitiveness index, our country is in the country of 75 from the total 141 states in terms of infrastructure, road connectivity according to the same report ranks North Macedonia in the country 91, while in terms of the quality of the road infrastructure in the country 105.