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Mendy Qira and SKSZM: An alarming situation, institutions to reflect on real problems

Regarding the latest political events and the deepening of the political crisis in the country, but also more widely, The Chamber of Commerce of North-West Macedonia as a representative of the business community cannot be indifferent and hide as if nothing is happening.

The chamber reacts to the last insufficiently thought-out political decisions, which directly threaten the rule of law, without which we cannot talk about the functioning of the state and the possibility of conducting business.

The Chamber of Commerce of North-West Macedonia calls for a ban on "political games.",, where one day the deputy minister says one thing, and the next day the minister says the opposite of that, because this behavior of the Government will lead to an even more difficult situation in the functioning of the business, as well as the entire economic system.

The Chamber of Commerce of North-West Macedonia does not speak about the immediate effects that will result from this too long political disorder, but in the medium term not only can, but it will certainly bring with it economic stagnation. Apart from this, there are great chances for starting the cycle of economic regression in the country. The chamber thinks that this political crisis can be preceded by scenarios, which no one would want.

With such political escalations, any possible ranking for doing business in Macedonia is not valid, because being 12th is not enoughDoing Business, when the signals of the non-functioning of state institutions are more than obvious.

Finally, as a way of contributing to the resolution of the political crisis as well as the return of the principles of the rule of law in the Republic of Macedonia, The Chamber of Commerce of North-West Macedonia calls on the President of the country to immediately withdraw the decision on abolition. On the contrary, we believe that not withdrawing will set a precedent that destroys all democratic principles in a country.